The SoSoValue Index Protocol is a cutting-edge spot index solution designed to make crypto investments simple and secured. SSI Protocol leverages on-chain smart contracts to repackage multi-chain, multi-asset portfolios into Wrapped Tokens (SSI). These tokens represent a basket of underlying assets, enabling Wrapped Tokens to track the value fluctuations of the spots basket, effectively achieving the effects of passive index investing. MAG7.ssi carefully selected top 7 projects by market cap, with strong social consensus and ample liquidity. This product offers enhanced systematic beta returns from the crypto industry while providing high risk resistance. The initial 10% equal weighting allocation provides sufficient weight to second-tier leaders outside of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Assuming the emergence of more $100 billion market cap tokens over the next 4 years, this structure helps investors secure foundational returns from the crypto industry while also offering the opportunity to capture excess returns from the rise of new industry leaders. Monthly rebalance with a buffer setting ensures timely inclusion of emerging leaders while minimizing the transaction friction caused by frequent rebalancing.
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